
Plugin to monitor DB2 with Nagios and JNRPE

This project is maintained by angoca


(Please check the Wiki for more information)

This is a set of plugins to monitor DB2 via Nagios. It relies on the JNRPE framework, which is a Java implementation of the NRPE server. This framework is very flexible and it can be used not only to monitor DB2 database, but also to:

The difference between this set of plugins and other available in the market is that a Java daemon allows to reduce the overhead on the database. Other scripts, establishes one or multiple connections to query the elements in the database each time they are executed, and this creates a big overhead in the database. This set of plugins keeps the connection active thanks to a connection pool (Hikari or C3p0) and this reduces the overhead of connection establishment.

Also, many plugins queries the same values to monitor similar elements. For example, for each bufferpool, other plugins has to query the database several times to retrieve the same information and then filter it according to the given parameters (different commands). This set of plugins queries the database once, and keep the information in a cache to be used for multiple commands.

With a cache system, this plugin can compare values with the previous measures, in order to give an instant performance. No extra files are required, just a daemon executing in a server.

Because the JNRPE is a pure Java application, it can be executed in any platform, Linux/UNIX/MAC OS X or Windows. This is a very important difference with the other plugins in the market that require bash on Linux, or Perl.


This is the list of available DB2 plugins:


In order to run this set of plugins, it is necessary to have Java 6 or 7.


The installation process consist in:

A more detailed installation guide can be found in the wiki: https://github.com/angoca/db2-jnrpe/wiki/Install
